“Rare Imprints” | NCAD Degree Show Collection

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Rare Imprints is a transitional womenswear fashion collection which explores ideas surrounding rarity and value. This textiles project questions what is precious in today’s society by taking inspiration from Dublin’s archival collections.


Rare Imprints highlights the importance of protection and conservation by examining subject matter that is not only of monetary value, but of cultural and historical value.

Our modern society poses many threats to the natural world, and my collection communicates the beauty and uniqueness of the plants and animals which may be at risk, with my research focusing on species which are extinct or threatened.

My work has a strong Irish identity as I look to Dublin’s museum collections of artefacts and specimens to gather research to inform my work, allowing me to create pieces which have an original, archival aesthetic.

I have obtained special access to the collections of the Natural History Museum, Trinity Herbarium and The National Museum of Ireland to gather photography and visual research. In each case I have taken a special interest in the way that artefacts and specimens are displayed, as I intend to emanate this aesthetic in the way that I create patterning within my collection.